Thursday, December 27, 2007


One thing that was emphasized in my mind this week after having read the section on ecology is that all of creation is wonderfully and mysteriously made. Everything is beautiful and has its distinct purpose. I realize how small we are next to the universe and how intricately unique we all are. Yet every aspect of our uniqueness contributes to the whole. The universe would not be the same if just one of us were missing. And yet, even the process of dying and death itself seem to contribute to the whole scheme of things. That circle of life that empowers all of creation to be reborn again and again; and inspires hope within every human being to new and renewed life. No wonder God says in the Holy Scriptures that the death of his loved ones is precious in his sight.

The fact that we are all unique and different forces us to an unrealized interdependence. We must come out of ourselves and reach for the other to communicate and understand. Upon doing this, we are touched by the other's uniqueness and differences at which time those qualities are shared. Everything that exists seems to affect everything around it. Whether it is something that has life or something that is inanimate, everything is interrelated. How interesting it is to see that St. Francis of Assisi called everything his brother and sister. He called the wolf his brother. He also called the sun his brother and he called the moon his sister. He perceived all of creation as being entwined and related.
In our personal relationships as well as everyone with whom we come into contact, we must show understanding. What I possess could help another and what another possesses could help me. Each one's perception and perspectives are unique because everyone's experience in life is different. When we are able to internalize someone else's perspectives we augment our own knowledge and understanding. Many times we are able to prepare ourselves for the encounters we find in life that have not yet crossed our path; yet through someone else's experience, we learn.
Often times, we hear the saying that tells us that we have to look out for number one. This implies that we have to think of ourselves first. This to me goes against the human spirit. Everything that is noble, kind and beautiful goes against putting ourselves first. Selfishness is a base instinct over which we have our intellect, reason and will. By these we become human and are separated from the rest of living things.

It is difficult to believe that we are at the end of our first class. The knowledge and growth we have obtained did not come on its own, rather through the wisdom and patience of our instructor and the unique diversity of our class. I have grown tremendously in these past few weeks. I have realized that I can do this. This is something I would not have been able to say years ago. Thanks!

Posted on Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 01:32AM by Juan David De Jesus